Recipient GMM Training Resources

The Recipient Training Video series provides anytime training for the Recipient community. View the training sessions below as a quick start to GrantSolutions or as a refresher. You may also view three videos about the Federal Financial Reports (FFR) for Recipients.

Help Desk

If you need additional help, the GrantSolutions help desk is available for assistance on all GrantSolutions products and services.

Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday 7 a.m. – 8 p.m. ET (closed on Federal holidays).

Phone: 1.866.577.0771

Email: Help Desk

Having trouble using Please contact the helpdesk for customer support.

Hours of Operation: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Phone: 1.844.875.6446

Recipient GMM Training Resources

The Grants Management Module (GMM) training resources help walk you through key stages of the grant process, including application submission, revision request, and official correspondence tracking.

Post-Award Information, Recipient

Grants List

The “My Grants List” screen is the first screen you see when entering GrantSolutions. It shows a "card" for each individual Grant Project to which you are assigned. Grant Project information appears on each card and includes the Grant Number, FAIN, Grant Project Status, Project Title, and Grant Program.

Play Video Trainings

Post-Award Information, Recipient

Grant Notes

Grant Notes are used to add correspondence comments and to attach necessary documents to a grant record in the GrantSolutions Grants Management Module (GMM). Notes are saved with the grant record for historical and tracking purposes.

Play Video Trainings

Post-Award Information, Recipient

Grant Details

The “Grant Details” screen includes project information relevant to each Grant Project. This screen contains information associated with the Project Period, Budget Period, Current Approved Budget, and Notice of Award. Users can also access tabs on this screen including Details, History, Reports, Amendments, and Notes.

Play Video Trainings

Post-Award Information, Recipient

Funding Restrictions

Recipient Authorizing Officials and Principle Investigators/Program Directors assigned to a Grant Project can add attachments and respond to a Funding Restriction in GMM

Closeout, GMM, Post-Award Information

Closeout within GMM

Project Period Closeout: All documents for all budget periods (single year or multiple year grants) are in Ready to Close status. If this is not the case, Budget Period Closeout may be applicable. Budget Period Closeout: All documents for a specific budget period are in Ready to Close status. If this is not the case, Administrative Closeout may be applicable. Administrative Closeout: Obligated document numbers are in Ready to Close status.

Post-Award Information, Recipient


An amendment is a post-award change to a grant. Grant Recipients may initiate certain types of amendments in the GrantSolutions Grants Management Module (GMM) from the “My Grants List” screen. Amendment types may include, but are not limited to, supplements, change in staff, budget revisions, carryover requests, change in grantee address, and more.

Help Desk

If you need additional help, the GrantSolutions help desk is available for assistance on all GrantSolutions products and services.

Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday 7 a.m. – 8 p.m. ET (closed on Federal holidays).

Phone: 1.866.577.0771 or 202.401.5282
